What is this page?

This was a chance for all Canadians to step up as democratic peace-builders by contributing to a bill on the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Your ideas will be used to draft the Nakba Bill, which I'll table in Parliament as a private member's bill. You can contribute by adding your ideas and voting on ideas from others. Check back periodically to help steer the discussion.

Several discussions were held on different topics:

  • Feb 23-25: How can Canada ensure a just peace in Israel-Palestine?
  • Mar 20-23: NDP Palestine motion + amendments
  • Apr 2-6: What should Canada do internationally?
  • Apr 15-20: What should Canada do domestically?


How does it work?

This page uses Polis: a tool for large democratic discussions. As you vote on comments, you'll appear in an “opinion group” with others who vote similarly (others don't see your votes). Then, a "consensus algorithm" finds and elevates comments that are supported by all opinion groups.

Polis gives everyone an equal chance to persuade the crowd on the merits of their ideas. Quality is favoured over quantity, so even one great comment can end up as a top consensus idea.

Polis also gives everyone an equal part in shaping group opinion by favouring consensus over slim majorities. Your unique perspective will have a real impact on the results, and the more you vote, the more you'll help the group find consensus ideas.


Why does it matter?

We think Canadians are ready to live up to our reputation as peace-builders. We've waited too long for the government, the Prime Minister, and elected officials to do the right thing. It's time for Canadians like you to make it clear how Canada should act on the world stage.

This was also an early step towards a New Democracy. Democracy is about more than choosing between other people's ideas, it's about governing ourselves together, and that requires discussing and deciding on issues together. New technologies can help us build a new democracy where everyone has the power to shape their own lives and society.


Basic rules

  1. Be respectful (anti-Palestinian racism and antisemitism won't be tolerated)
  2. Stay on the current topic
  3. Don't spam or post duplicate comments
  4. Don't post personal information

Comments will be removed if they violate the rules, and severe violations will result in a ban.

Polis doesn’t know what comments say, and only helps the group decide based on votes. Comments people find important are prioritized, and divisive comments may be seen less often. You'll be an equal part of collaboratively steering the discussion.


Democratic etiquette

Since Polis aims for consensus, ideas will be most successful if you follow good democratic etiquette:

Write persuasively. Appeal to shared values, adapt to opposing views, and try to bridge divides between opinion groups. Persuading a few extra people makes a big difference to a comment's consensus score.

Assume the best of others. People will be more receptive to your ideas when they see that you trust their motives, see their perspective, and are making a sincere effort to win them over. You should treat those who disagree as potential allies who just need to hear the right argument.

Be positive and propositional. Everyone thinks they have good reasons for their beliefs, so they're most likely to change their mind when they hear better reasons for a new belief.

Speak to the crowd. There are no direct replies, so comments are addressed to everyone. You should write as if you were speaking to a large crowd in a public place.